Although it has lower resolution and lower
magnification, it does have advantages over EM.
It's cheaper (£150)
Specimen can be dead or alive
Natural colours are seen
Electron Microscope
Scanning EM
Where electrons bounce off the
surface of the object
Provides a 3D image
Benefits comapared to TEM
3D imaging
Allows you to view the surface rather
than the sliced inside
Thin sections dont need to be prepared
This needs to happen with TEM.
It may mean that when analysing a slide, the
shape that you see ma appear to be different to
what you were expecting due to the angle at
which the thin section was cut
Transmission EM
Where electrons go through the organism
Provides higher reolution and higher
magnificaton than SEM
Benefits compared to SEM
Higher resolution reached
Higher magnification reached
Limitations in general of the EM:
Expensive (£1 million)
A vacuum required so living
organisms cant be viewed
Only get black and white pictures
Harsh prep may mean result in artefacts, which
are structures that weren't found in the original
Complex staining method is required.
Maginification- The number of times the
lens makes the image bigger than the
Higher for the elcetron microscope
Resolution- The ability of the lens to
distinguish between object that are close
Higher for the electron microscope
This is because the electron beam has a
shorter wavelength than light and so it
has a higher resolving power.
Cells- structure, function etc.
Eukaryotic cells contain nucleus and
other membrane bound organelles
Prokaryotic cells do not contain a
nucleus and other membrane bound
organelles. They have circular DNA.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
Cell membrane
Consists of 2 subunits, larger
and a smaller one
Its function is to produce
It is partially permeable
Controls the entry and exit of
substances in and out of the cell
A membrane bound sac filled with digestive
enzymes and of acidic pH.
It gets rid of unwanted structures in the
A network of flattened membranesand
It transports and chemically modifies substances
such as glycoproteins. It is also invloved in
secretion and also produces lysosomes
Is involved in the production and
transportation of lipids.
A network of membranes without
A network of membrane covered in
It transports the proteins made
by the ribosomes
Where aerobic respiration occurs. Produces
ATP and releases energy
Also consists of an envelope. The
folded part is called the crista. It also
contains a solution called matrix.
Controls the activities of the cell and
contains genetic info
Consists of a nucleolus, nuclear membrane and
nuclear pores(allows exchange between nucleus
and cytoplasm)
Separating organelles
Occurs by cell fractionation
and ultracentrifugation
1. The tissue is homogenised in a
blender. This will break open the cell
to release it's contents.
Placed in an ice-cold solution to
reduce enzyme activity without
denaturing them
Placed in an isotonic solution to
prevent osmotic damage
Placed in a buffer solution to
prevent the enzymes
2. The resulting homgenate is then
filtered off to remove any unbroken
3. It is then centrifuged, meaning spun at
high speed for a certain amount of time
The most dense organelle will sink to the
bottom during this and form a pellet
The first pellet will be the nucleus. Then you'll get the
mitochondria if you're looking at an animal cell or
chlorplasts if you're looking at a plant cell. Then you
should get ribosomes and membranes
4. The supernatant found above the pellet will
be poured off so that it can be centrifuged
again at higher speeds and for longer
The Cell Membrane
The function of the cell surface
membrane in to control what eneters and
exits the cell
It's partially permeable
The phospholipid contains a glycerol molecules, 2
fatty acid tails on one side and a phosphate group on
the other side.
It is often represented like so:
The 'head' i.e. the gylcerol and the phospahte group
are hydrophilic, i.e. water loving, bevause they're polar
The tail, consisting of the fatty acids are hydrophobic
i.e. water hating because they're non-polar
Because of these two properties, the phospholipids
are arranged as a bilayer
This is important so that the hydrophobic head faces
both aquatic environments (cytoplasm and tissue fluid)
and the hyrdrophilic tail faces neither
Function: It acts as a barrier to prevent large, charged
or water soluble molecules through e.g. sodium ions.
However, small, uncharged and lipid soluble molecules such as
oxygen may enter through the gaos in the fluid bilayer.
Simple Diffusion
This is a passive process so nor energy is required
from ATP. Particles rely on their own kinetic energy
It is defined as the net movement of substances from an area of high concentration to
an area of low concentration through a partially permeable membrane
i.e. It moves down a concentration gradient.
It occurs through movement through the phospholipid bilayer. They
molecules have to be small, uncharged and lipid soluble.
Ficks Law: Rate of diffusion is proportional to
(surface area x difference in concentration gradient) /
thickness of exchange surface
Therefore, in order to have the highest rate of diffusion, you need:
A large surface area
Large difference in concentration gradient
Short diffusion pathway
High temperature (more kinetic energy)
Water Potential
This is a measure of the tendency of
water to move and leave a system
Units: kPa
Thw water potential of pure water is 0
Therefore, the water potential of a solution
must be negative
The reason for this is because in a solution, water molecules move less
freely because theyre attracted to the solute. Therefore their tendency to move
and leave a place is lower and so the water potential must be lower
This depends on pressure potential
(+) and solute potential (-)
This is defined as the movement of particles from a
less negative water potential to a more negative water
potential through a partially permeable membrane
Found between the
phospholipids or
Helps to keep the mebrane
fluid and stable
Goes halfway through the membrane
Act as receptors. They have a specific shape, so that only a
molecule of complemetary shape can bind to the protein.
Binding will cause changes to take place in the cell
e.g. cause the release of a hormone
Goes all the way through the membrane
These act as protein carriers or channels and they transport SPECIFIC
substances through the mebrane by either facilitated diffusion or active transport
Facilitated Diffusion
This is also a passive process where
molecules use their own kinetic energy
The same rules apply for facilitated
diffusion as it also depends on Fick's law
However, it also depends on the
number of protein carriers present
It requires the use of a protein carrier
The solute will only bind to the protein carrier if
it has a complementary shape to it
The protein will begin to change shape,
using its own kinetic energy
Solute will be released on the other side and the
protein carrier will reutrn to its original shape
Active Transport
This is the movement of particles against a concentration gradient
i.e. from a low concentration to a high concentration
The process will require energy from ATP.
It also requires a protein carrier, and the solute needs to
be of complementary shape to the protein carrier
Once binding has taken place, the carrier will
change shape using the energy released by ATP
Solute will be released on the other side and
protein carrier returns to original shape
Found ON some of the protein or phospholipids
Protein + Carbohydrate = Glycoproteins
Lipid + Carbohydrate = Glycolipid
Only found on the outer layer, next to the tissue fluid
Function: Cell recognition
Often described as the 'Fluid Mosaic' model.
This is because the phospholipid bilayer is
continously moving making it fluid
An the mosaic refers to the pattern and
arrangement of the phospholipids and the proteins
This is the study of chemicals and
reactions in the body.
Most common element;
Contain Carbon,
Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Has a unique property: The hydrogen and oxygen
are found in 2:1 rations. Only in carbohydrates.
Monomer: Monosaccharide
All end in '-ose'
They are all sugars, because they
dissolve in water to form a sweet solution
These are used to build bigger macromolecules
through condensation reactions
All monomers are reducing sugars, and so
can be tested with the beneducts test:
You heat with benedicts for 10 minutes
and you should get a brick red precipitate.
Example: Glucose
α Glucose
Has the OH group at the BOTTOM
β Glucose
Has the OH group at the TOP
A respiratory substrate and it has 2 isomers
Other examples: Fructose and Galactose
2 monomers: Disaccharide
Are also reducing sugars and so
can be tested with Benedict's.
Where 2 monomers are joined by
condensation reaction
e.g. Maltose (2 α Glucose)
Other examples
Sucrose (fructose+glucose)
Transport compound in plants
Lactose (glucose+galactose)
Sugar found in milk
The bond formed is called a
glycosidic bond
Many monomers: Polysaccharide
Many monosaccharides
joined together through
condensation reactions
They're NOT sugars as they're
insolube in water
Example: Starch (α glucose)
Test: Add few drops of iodine
Turns from yellow to blue-black
It's a major energy store in plants
Straight chained
Branch chained
Hydrogen bonds between the glucose
molecules holds its specific shape
Its a good energy store because:
Insolube: doesn't affect water potential
Coiled and compact, more stored in a small volume
Readily broken down by enzymes
Also contain Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.
However, they dont have any unique properties
They're made up of fatty acids and glyrcerol.
A triglyceride looks like this:
It contains a glycerol molecule ( CH2OHCHOHCH2OH)
and a fatty acid molecule (RCOOH)
Saturated: no double bonds in HC chain
Unsaturated: Double bonds in the HC chain
Forms an Ester bond
Energy store
Dissove in ethanol, add a
few drops of water and you
should get an emulsion
Belong to a macromolecular
group called the polypeptides
Add sodium hydroxide then a few drops of copper
sulphate solution and the colour should go purple
When it condenses, it forms a peptide bond
Condensation occurs between the H
on NH2 and the OH on acid group
Refers to the number and sequence
of amino acid chain
Peptide Bond
Peptide + Hydrogen bonds
Describes the coiling and
folding of structure into α
helix and β pleated sheet.
Hydrogen bonds hold the
shape together.
Called Fribrous Proteins
Peptide + Hydrogen +
Ionic + Disulphide
Refers to the extensive coiling and
folding of the chain into a complex,
compact 3D shape. This creates a
specific shape for things like enzymes.
Globular Proteins
A protein that consists of more
than one polypeptide chain.
Peptide + Hydrogen +
Ionic + Disulphide
e.g. Haemoglobin (4)
Condensation: The joining of two
monomers by the removal of water,
and the formation of a bond
Hydrolysis: The separation of two or
more monomers through the addition of
water. Also requires the use of enzymes
Test for non-reducing sugars: Boil
with dilute HCL, cool, then neutralise
with NaHCO3. Then do benedicts.
These are globular proteins (tertiary)
They are biological catalysts that
speed up hydrolysis reactions
Enzymes have an acitve site that is a specific shape. Only
a substrate of complememntary shape will bind to the
active site to form the Enzyme-Substrate complex
They break down bigger molecules
into smaller ones
They work by lowering the activatiomn
energy required for the reaction.
Lock and Key theory
The idea that the substrate has to be an
exact complementary shape to active site
in order to bind.
Induced Fit theory
The idea that the substrate isn't an exact complementary shape
and so as it binds, the active site changes shape slightly, putting a
strain on the substrate which makes it easier to break.
Factors affecting enzyme activity
As you increase the temperature, the rate of enzyme activity will increase
due to more frequent and succesful collisions (more kinetic energy)
After optimum temperature is reached, the rate decreases. This
is because the enzyme has been denatured as broken hydrogen
bonds have cause a change in the shape of the active site.
The rate of enzyme activity will be
highest when optimum pH is reached.
Once you go past optimum temperature, the
enzyme will become denatured because broken
ionic bonds have meant that active site has changed
shape so the ES complex can't form.
Substrate Concentration
At first, as you increase the substrate concentration,
the rate of enzyme activity will also increase as their
are more substrates to form ES complexes with.
However, as you increase the substrate concentration
even more, the rate becomes constant. This is because
all the enzymes are currently occupied.
Enzyme conc is the limiting factor here
is the limiting
This is where the inhibitor has a similar shape to the correct
substrate and can also bind to the enzyme and block it.
Degree of inhibition depends on the relative
concentration of inhibitor compared to substrate.
This is where the inhibitor binds to a site OTHER
than the active site, and this causes the active site to
change shape so the ES complex can't form.
The Digestive System
This involves the breakdown of bigger, insoluble molecules, to
smaller, soluble molecules that can be absorbed and assimilated
This is done by enzymic hydrolysis
The following processes occur:
1. Ingestion: Where food is taken in the mouth;
the first interface with the environment
2. Digestion: where bigger insoluble molecules are broken
down into smaller soluble ones that can be absorbed and used.
Absorption: This is where the small soluble molecules
are taken up through the lining of the small intestine
Egestion: the substances that can't be digestied pass through the large
intestine and out the anus. You also get things like enzymes or cells that have
been scraped from the gut lining as well as bacteria in the form of faeces.
Many mitochondria:
releases energy
from ATP for active
Microvilli: gives a
large surface
area for the
diffusion of
The soluble molecules
can be absorbed into the
body cells by:
Facilitated Diffusion
Active transport
This is how glucose enters the cells.
It co-transports with sodium ions. This
means that they move together into the
protein carrier. (Facilitated diffusion)
For this to occur, a concentration
gradient needs to be maintained.
This is done by acitvely pumping out Na+ ions
into the blood and thus maintaining a low
concentration gradient of Na+ ions inside the cell.
Na+ ions will want to enter by facilitated diffusion
from a high concentration to a low concentration,
co-transporting glucose moleucles with it.
Digestion of carbohydrates.
We need to know about the breakdown
of carbohydrates in tthe body. Example:
Starch---->Maltose---->Glucose by
amylase and then maltase.
1. Amylase is found the the saliva, produced by the
salivary gland. It starts off the proces of enzymic
hydrolysis, but is rarely completed because of swallowing.
2. Pancreatic amylase is found in the pancreas.
Hydrolysis is completed here and maltose is produced.
2. The maltose then flows down the duodenum
(First 30cm of the small intestine)
The enzyme maltase is located on the surface of the epithelial cells in
the small intestine. This is so that the products (Glucose) are produced
on the surface of the cells and are ready for immediate absorption.
Sucrase hydrolyses sucrose
to glucose and fructose
Lactase will
hydrolyse lactose into
glucose and galactose
Lactose Intolerance
The sugar Lactose found in milk is
hydrolysed with the help of the enzyme
lactase into glucose and galactose.
Some people dont have this enzyme and
so can't break down lactase.
This lactase remains in the gut lumen. This makes
the water potential of the gut lumen more negative.
Water will leave the surrounding cells
and enter the gut lumen by osmosis
This will lead to diarrhoea
It is caused by a bacterium
Bacteria are prokaryotic
They have no nucleus
They have circular DNA
Contain plasmids which are cicular loops of DNA
They have a capsule which offers protection
They have a flagellum which allows movement
Smaller ribosomes
They have a cell wall (not cellulose).
No membrane bound organlelles
The bacterium produces toxins
A poisonous chemical
The toxins cause chloride ions to be
secreted from the cells into the lumen
This then makes the water potential more
negative than the surrounding cells
Water enters from cells into the gut lumen by osmosis
This will lead to diarrhoea
Extreme Dehydration
Oral Rehydration Solution
Contains water aswell as glucose, sodium
ions, chloride ions, potassium ions etc.
More energy, and it reverses the water potential gradient so water
will be drawn back in by osmosis and will rehydrate the patient.
Can be given as a drip but this
requires specially trained people.
Can also be given as a powder made by
adding sterile water
Sterile becasue you dont want to
make them ill again.
The Heart
Circulation System
Its job is to pump blood around the body.
The upper chambers of the heart are known as atria
The lower chambers are known as the ventricles
The left side deals with Oxygenated blood
The right side deals with Deoxygenated blood
Atrioventricular valves are found
between the atria and the ventricles
The semi-lunar valves are found
between the ventricles and arteries.
Tendons attatched to the valves are there
to prevent the valve turning inside out.
The valves are there to ensure blood flows
in one direction and prevents backflow.
The septum is a sheet of thick muscle in
the middle of the heart to prevent the mixing
of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
The thickest muscle is found on the
left side of the heart near the ventricle
to allow the most forceful contraction
A fluid containing plasma
and red and white blood
Blood Vessels
These are tubes that blood
flows through.
Arteries/arterioles: Carry
blood Away from the heart
Coronary arteries: supply the
blood with glucose and oxygen.
They branch from the aorta.
Veins/venules: Carry
blood too the heart
Capillaries: Allow an exchange of
substances between blood and cells
Blood circulation
Oxygenated blood enters the left
atrium through the pulmonary vein.
It goes down to the left ventricle and then
up and out the aorta then around the body
Deoxygenated blood now enters the
right atrium through the vena cava
It goes down to the right atrium and
then up and out the pulmonary artery
to be removed by the lungs
Cardiac Cycle
The relaxation of the heart
The contraction of the heart
Blood will always move from a region of
high pressure to a region of low pressure.
Also, when the
muscle contracts,
volume decreases
and pressure
The atrium goes into systole, forcing blood to move into
the ventricle from high pressure to low pressure
The ventricle then goes into systole. Pressure is now
higher in the ventricle than in the atria.
The tendency of blood would be to move back into the
atrium from a high pressure to a low pressure
AV valves are now closed
to prevent backflow
Pressure continues to increase untill it is greater than the
pressure in the arteries.
SL valves open
Ventricular diastole occurs, and the pressure in the
artery increases above ventricular pressure
SL valves shut
The tendenecy of blood would be to move back into the
ventricle from a higher pressure to a low pressure.
Meanwhile, pressure in a atria is slowly building up, not because it's
contracting but because it's filling with blood from the pulmonary vein
This pressure forces the AV valves to open and blood
fills the ventricle causing its pressure to build up again
Atrium starts contracting and the cycle starts again
Atrium in diastole at this stage
AV valves open
Heart rate per minute = 60/
time taken for one cycle
Control of the Heartbeat
The cardiac muslce is myogenic, meaning
that the electrical activity required for it to
contract starts from within the heart itself.
SAN- The pacemaker. It's a group pf
specialised cells found in the right atrium.
It sends out a wave of electrical activity which
enables the atria to start contracting
AVN- Also a group of specialised cells found
between the atria.
It's job is to detect the wave of electrical activity and delay it to
allow the atria to finish contracting before the ventricles start to
The wave of electrical activity is then sent down the purkyne fibres.
These are collectively called the bundle of His.
They take they wave of electrical activity down to the apex of the heart.
From here the electrical activity spreads up and out over both ventricles.
It causes the ventricles to contract from the base upwards.
This then means blood is forced up towards the arteries.
Cardiac Output = Stroke
Volume x Heart Rate
Stroke Volume is the volume of blood
pumped out the ventricle per contraction
Athletes, who have more
muscle around their ventrilce,
may have a higher stroke
Heart Rate: Contractions per minute
Gas Exchange
Gas exchange occurs by diffusion
Therefore all things relating to
ficks law apply
A thin exchange surface is achieved
as the alveolar epithelium consists of
a single layer of squamous cells. As
does the capillary endothelium
There are many alveoli to allow
a large surface area
A differrence in concetration gradient is mainatined by:
Being well ventilated
1. Muscles of the diaphragm contract
making it a flatter shape.
The intercostal muscles contract and the
ribcage moves up and out.
This increases the volume and decreases the
pressure below atmospheric pressure
Air is forced in from a high pressure to a low
1. Muscles of the diaphragm relax
making it dome shaped.
The intercostal muscles relax and the
ribcage moves down and in.
This decreases volume and increases the
pressure above atmospheric pressure
Air is forced out from a high pressure to a low
Having a continuous supply of blood
Structure of the Lungs:
Lungs are found in thorax;
the upper part of the body
It's protected by the rib cage, and between
the ribcage you find the intercostal muscles.
The diaphragm separates the
thorax from the abdomen
Air enters through the treachea, which splits into bronchi, which splits into smaller
bronchioles and at the end of these you find the alveoli. The alveoli also contain
elastic tissue that stretch when you breathe in and recoil when you breathe out
Pulmonary Ventilation: Tidal Volume x Ventilation rate
Tidal volume is the volume of gas
exchanged per breath
Ventilation is the amount of breaths per minute
Pulmonary ventilation is the total volume of gas
exchanged per minute