12-3: RNA and Protein Synthesis


RNA and Protein Synthesis, Biology book
Taylor Nguyen
Mind Map by Taylor Nguyen, updated more than 1 year ago
Taylor Nguyen
Created by Taylor Nguyen over 8 years ago

Resource summary

12-3: RNA and Protein Synthesis
  1. genes: coded DNA
    1. Structure of RNA
      1. RNA has ribose, uracil
        1. mRNA, tRNA, rRNA
        2. Transcription
          1. when a strand of DNA is used to make mRNA
            1. RNA polymerase binds to DNA at a promoter, separates strands, uses 1 strand as a template for mRNA
          2. RNA Editing
            1. introns: sequences of nucleotides that are not used in coding for proteins
              1. exons: DNA sequences that code for proteins
              2. The Genetic Code
                1. codon: 3 consecutive nucleotide that code for a specific amino acid
                2. Translation
                  1. cell uses information from mRNA to produce proteins
                    1. anticodon: three nucleotides on tRNA that are complementary to each codon
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