English Lang: Child Speech 2


Mind Map on English Lang: Child Speech 2, created by abster on 03/31/2014.
Mind Map by abster, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abster almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

English Lang: Child Speech 2
  1. Hyponyms and Hypernyms
    1. Hypernym: A subordinate, a word that is more genetic or general. EG CLOTHES Therefore the top of the Umbrella!
      1. Hyponym: this is more specific word within a category or under a hyponym EG TROUSERS. therefore under the umbrella
      2. CDS
        1. child directed speech involves three main areas
          1. Phonology
            1. Lexis
              1. Grammar
              1. MORPHEMES
                1. a morpheme changes the meaning and the semantic of words
                  1. Sometimes it can just be syllables that it changes
                    1. E.G walking is broken in WALK/ ING
                      1. This is broken into a suffix and a prefix
                    2. Prefix
                      1. This is the beginning of the word
                      2. Suffix
                        1. This the ending of words, usually a tense
                      3. Definate and undefinate articals
                        1. Definate: EG THE book
                          1. Undefinate: EG A book
                          2. Morphology
                            1. the morphological advantages
                              1. Inflectional: adding inflections toward tenses- this is making distinctions between adjectives showing possession and making plurals
                                1. Derivational: this is experimenting with language by adding prefixes and suffixes
                                2. Piaget stages of lingustic cognitive development
                                  1. 1. Sensormotor: infants are auotmatically aware of what it in front of them. This is a sign that the memory is developing
                                    1. 2. Pre-operational: infants language becomes more mature, develops memory and imagination. But cant yet grasp more complex concepts such as time and comparison
                                      1. 3. Concrete operational: their thinking becomes less egocentric and becomes increasingly aware of external events. the child can also begin to realise that their thoughts are their own and unique
                                        1. 4. Formal Operational: thinking about multiple variables in a systematic way and can form a hypothesis. Can also understand abstract relationships and concepts such as justice

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