types of meeting


English language Flashcards on types of meeting, created by Yulia Faizrahmanova on 05/03/2017.
Yulia Faizrahmanova
Flashcards by Yulia Faizrahmanova, updated more than 1 year ago
Yulia Faizrahmanova
Created by Yulia Faizrahmanova almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
organize a meeting arrange a meeting set up a meeting
make a meeting forward than decided bring forward
make a meeting later postpone a meeting
do not have a planned meeting cancel a meeting
go to a meeting attend a meeting
not go to a meeting miss a meeting
informal discussion at the coffee machine chat
where as many ideas as possible produced brainstorming
team meeting project meeting
встреча с заказчиком meeting with a customer
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