Injured - 75,000
Homeless 2.8 million
Property cost - $440
Remote mountainous area
Normal school day - many dead were children
Ramadan - Many sleeping after waking for pre-dawn meal
Primary - landslides, falling rock, large cracks in ground
Secondary - Broken sewage pipes contaminated water supply
and spread disease and people died of cold during harsh winter
short term - the army/ emergency services, tents given out by charities, Aid workers form
abroad to find surivors and treat injured
long term - schools and hospital rebuilt, building regulations improved - reduce damage and death toll
for future earthquakes
How ready is San Francisco?
Disaster waiting to happen
Many faults threaten city
San andreas and hayward - most dangerous
costly to make old buildings safe
Many buildings and critical structures in the city - not adaquately upgraded to withstand
earthquakes e.g biggest hospital san francisco general, schools, bay bridge and the golden-gate
tension becuase city governement wants to reduce taxes and also be responsible
Earthquake proof buildings
More money to spend
pendulum - stop building sway
cross bracing - stop floor collapse
deep steel foundations - prevent collapse
Need to use cheaper material e.g timber
cross braced bamboo frame
lightweight thatch roof not mud
steel rods foundation
Tiltmeters (detect when a volcano swells)
Boreholes (measure water temp.)
Aircraft (measures the gas)
Seismometers (measure tremors and earthquakes)
Hot springs are monitored
concrete shelters
evacuation routes clearly signposted
Concrete lahar channels divert dangerous mudflows
Insurance is udes so any damage can be fixed and repaired