Where talent goes to grow

Our Improved Note-Taking Software Is Here!

Jotting down facts, ideas and thoughts just got a whole lot easier with our new, improved Notes tool.

GoConqr's free Note-taking software

 Image credit: CSG Ltd https://www.cheapsurfgear.com

Note-taking is one of the most familiar and widely used methods of studying, and with good reason – it is also one of the most effective. By quickly jotting down key points, notes help create new neural pathways and connections in a learner’s mind, thereby allowing students to remember and understand key facts and concepts, and revise them when required. It’s because note-taking is such an important part of a student’s study strategy that we’ve worked long and hard at improving our note-taking software.

Try for free our Note-Taking Software

Better organization

When you’re a busy student, notes can easily become a messy business – the more you create, the more difficult it is to keep track of everything you have.

That’s why our new Note-taking software now lets you store your work in multiple pages.


This means that you can now put together longer and more comprehensive sets of study notes with ease. So instead of creating a new Note for each day’s class, you can simply add a new page to your existing Note-taking software. In addition, you can also collate and organise multiple types of media into individual pages, including GoConqr resources, videos, images and links.

New Notes toolbar

Easier navigation

This simple change to how you organise Notes has the powerful effect of making it possible for you to now keep an entire term’s worth of study notes in one place, which makes finding what you need a smoother, more user-friendly experience. After all, time is precious, so why waste it scrolling through countless resources searching for important notes that you may need right away?

Now you can easily switch between the specific pages you’re working on or get an overview by clicking on the ‘Board’ button highlighted below:

New Notes board view button

Simplicity is key

“Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.” – Steve Jobs

By streamlining Notes into a simple, more appealing and efficient design, you can now focus on capturing and documenting the information that’s most important. This is to help make Notes far more effective at their intended function – to improve the way you study.

New Notes page view 2

The simplified formatting has also been designed to be mobile friendly. Accessing Notes from the GoConqr app is now much clearer and more intuitive so that you can take your creations with you – no matter where you go.

Want to check out our Note-taking software but not a GoConqr user? No problem – simply sign up now for free and start creating, discovering and sharing right away.