We recently added new options to share your Mind Maps, Flashcards, Study Notes Software and Quizzes online and the ability to insert an image into your flashcard deck and we’ve updated the site again today with even more new improvements to our free online study tools! We are too good to you!
Today’s improvements include a revamp of the Mind Map Snippets functionality. From your feedback we found that Mind Map Snippets were a bit cumbersome and time-consuming to attach—which is the exact opposite of what they are meant for—they are meant to be a place to jot down extra info or thoughts quickly and easily.
We improved them! They are now easier to attach to a node and don’t have all the clutter.
If you want to attach a lot of different text, images or videos to a Mind Map then we suggest you should create a study notes instead using our free online notes software where you can add images, video, text and other rich media to your study note.
Snippets are meant to be like little post-it notes that stick on the side of a node. You can attach as much as you like to each node.
When you select a node, you will see a new Mind Map “Snippet Icon” in the corner, peeking out behind the node, clicking on this will open it. Then type what you need to type and get back to your mind map!
We also updated the Mind Map tool with something a lot of you have requested; re-attaching a Mind Map node.
Now, when you click on a node you will see a little bubble, clicking on this allows you to re-attach that node (or an entire strand) to anywhere else on your Mind Map.
This makes for a much more intuitive Mind Map experience. You can more easily update your Mind Map as new thoughts are ideas come to you!
A few days ago we introduced images for Flashcards and today we have added another enhancement for Flashcards! This is the ‘Flip All’ option. This allows you to turn all the cards over at once so that the answers become the questions!
You can essentially get two Flashcard decks for the price of one (not that you have to pay, of course)! There are many uses for this but the best one is for studying languages.
See the benefits of this addition by using the Flashcard Deck below:
All these improvements were based on feedback sent in by ExamTime users so if you think there is something missing make sure to let us know.
– The ExamTime Team

About the GoConqr Blog
Our blog is part of GoConqr, a Free Learning Platform for Creating, Sharing & Discovering Learning Resources that help students and teachers achieve their learning objectives. Click here to start creating Mind Maps, Flashcards, Notes, Quizzes, Slides Flowcharts & Courses now!