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Discover the most useful free online tools to prepare for your university entrance exams at home.

Recommended Online Resources (I)

College and university entrance exams are often the most important exams you take, as they have a big influence in your academic and professional future. For this reason, it’s important that you surround yourself with the best educational resources available on the internet and know how to use these tools and content to prepare for these tests.

Mind maps: for these exams you are tested on material from an entire year or more, so it’s important to structure and order your notes. With GoConqr’s mind maps, you can visually capture all the subjects and lessons and connect the different learning areas. You can track when you have completed a topic and have a clear view of what you still need to cover. This is an indispensable method to be able to organize the different subjects that you have to study for exams like the A-Levels.

Quizzes: having to spend so many hours studying can make you frustrated and lose concentration. To avoid this, you can do quizzes online and check what your real knowledge of each subject. This change of approach can keep you entertained while keeping you connected to subject material you need for preparing university entrance exams.

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Recommended Online Resources (II)

Flashcards: the amount of concepts you have to memorize for university entrance exams, such as the Scottish Highers, can be very tiring. An excellent resource to help you remember are flashcards.With an attractive visual style, the combination of text and image elements makes our brains  hold information more easily.

Online library: if you have missed some class during the course and need notes, in the online library of GoConqr you have at your disposal countless resources on all types of subjects. You can search your university entrance exam and you will begin to discover the thousands of notes uploaded by GoConqr users, tagged with that exam.

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Tips for preparing for exams (I)

Each student has their own methods and tricks to study, but when it comes to such important exams it is advisable to follow a series of guideline. These are small tips that can make the difference between getting into the university you want or not.

  • Inform yourself about the career you want to study: once you know which career and university attracts you the most, you must inform yourself about the cut marks of previous years and what requirements are usually needed by the college or university. In this way, you will already have an idea of the average grades that you will have to obtain and you will be able to focus on surpassing that challenge. You can usually find this information on the website of the institutions you are applying to, like with the ACT Tests
  • Organization: it’s fundamental that you organize your study well and distribute in a balanced way the time you dedicate to each subject. In addition, it’s convenient to start reviewing your notes several weeks in advance to avoid stress when the dates of the university entrance exams are approaching. Fortunately, in most cases, tests like the Leaving Cert publish their dates with enough time for you to plan well.
  • Collaborative learning: this educational methodology consists of meeting with several colleagues and studying the same subject at the same time. In this way, you can exchange knowledge and consult your doubts immediately. However, for university entrance exams, it’s desirable to apply this method early in the study and combine it with individual learning.

Exam Preparation Tips (II)

  • Attend classes: the best possible notes will be the ones you have taken personally when you listen to the lesson firsthand. If you have not attended classes, you will not have adequately absorbed the knowledge imparted and the study process will be more complicated. Your teachers may give you specific hints about performing well on the university entrance exams, in addition to teaching you the subject material.
  • Be positive: it seems silly, but the attitude with which you face these tests can be decisive in the results you get. If you have energy and high spirits, chances are you will get better grades than if you go with a pessimistic attitude. Therefore, you should not allow stress to negatively affect your mood; no matter how much work you have ahead, try to deal with it by keeping your end goal in mind..